Student Support Services
Kara Strine
Educational Preparation:
M.Ed University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
M.Ed Ashland University, Ashland, OH
B.A Wright State University, Dayton, OH
Professional Experience:
School Counselor, 5 years
Elementary Teacher, 11 years
Providing Child Advocacy for Bailey Students
School Counseling Messages For ParentsThe Dublin City School District's Elementary Counseling Program consists of classroom lessons, small group counseling, individual counseling, and parent/teacher collaboration/consultation. All of these practices correlate with the American School Counselor Association Standards and the Dublin City School Counseling Framework.
Being "proactive" is a major emphasis as each classroom will receive several lessons throughout the year. Topics such as self-regulation, resiliency, anger management, anxiety/stress management, friendship/social skills, empathy/ respect, responsibility, conflict resolution, problem solving, decision making, leadership skills, and personal safety will be discussed.
Guidance classes support and promote our culture of enrichment that includes the following thinking habits: collaboration, perseverance, communicating confidently, thinking flexibly, creativity, and asking questions.
Guidance newsletters will also be sent home electronically in Friday blasts each month. These letters will give you several parenting tips and strategies to help your child be successful academically and socially.
There are many parenting resources in the guidance office. If you are looking for a certain "guidance topic" or have any questions please don't hesitate to call or email.